Commented on windows:
   ""Wind" just lovely!"
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8 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "Yeah, online dating... STAY AWAY! Lol!"
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8 years ago

Commented on No Vacancy:
   "Watch the Gap - I could not agree with you more! About all of it! Things will never be as they once were."
    View Discussion.
8 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "Last Snow - so funny! Kids today are wimps! Lol"
    View Discussion.
9 years ago

Commented on windows:
   ""Listen" is lovely, and oh so true!"
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9 years ago

Commented on windows:
   ""yearning" like this one! It gnaws under the skin like a small itch you can't scratch. :)"
    View Discussion.
9 years ago

Commented on No Vacancy:
   "OMG, Lisa, I could have wrote this! I was reading and hearing myself, and ALL the same issues I've encountered. Awesome! Can't wait to read more!"
    View Discussion.
9 years ago

Commented on windows:
   "Really enjoyed Poem... Like a tale of its inception. 😊"
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9 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   ""Merely a Player," So funny! So true! haha"
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9 years ago

Commented on windows:
   ""The he of him" I know what you mean. :)"
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9 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   ""Promises, Promises" OMG! I swear I thought she was going to ask you to pay for all of it. Like she forgot her money in her gym locker! Haha! Loved it!"
    View Discussion.
9 years ago

Commented on windows:
   ""dislike" Oh the landscape of the workplace. I think the cubicles are to blame. 😉"
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9 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "A month in... It couldn't have been the picture of his parents... Nah, that couldn't be it. ;-)"
    View Discussion.
9 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "Mothers always seem to say exactly what you don't want to hear. And zero offense, but I'm so over Meatball... oh, I mean Meatloaf. Haha! 😉"
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9 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "As funny as you are, I can't imagine your "second date" shirts aren't getting any action. ;-)"
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9 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "Too funny! And I bet it happened just like that. Yeah, I would have been lost at crosswise. I only slice tofu lengthwise! ;-)"
    View Discussion.
9 years ago

Commented on The Mutable Heart:
   ""Inspired Day" is sweet. :)"
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9 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Especially about social media..."
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9 years ago

Commented on Don't Forget to Write:
   "Hi Sarah, I just started reading your series, and I love it. I identify with so much of it. Great read!"
    View Discussion.
9 years ago

Commented on Uncharted:
   "I like the latest a lot. I couldn't quite tell if there was a little sarcasm at the very end. I'm guessing, yes? It all makes a difference! A for effort! ;-)"
    View Discussion.
9 years ago

Commented on The Mutable Heart:
   "Your latest poem is very sweet. Enjoyed very much! :)"
    View Discussion.
9 years ago